Monday, November 5, 2007

My dog got hit by a car.....Monday 05 2007

Okay so I have my dog on the leash and I am waiting for my garage door to close then we start walking and next thing I know my dog get hit in the head/face by a car driving up the alley the wrong way. I yelled at the car and the passenger in the car noticed us and the car kept going. It happened in R street alley NE in the part that is only one way from Lincoln rd NE to 1st street NE.
He seems to be okay, this is the 1st time one of us has gotten hit but there has been more then 8 other times where one of us almost got before by people going up the alley the wrong way. I do not know who contact about this. This is getting really old really fast, a few times I have yelled at the people and they given me shit about me yelling at them for going the wrong way.
What if I was a kid playing in alley and this happened and it could happened since Emery ES is 2 house's down from mine.
I called 311 but nothing to really do since I dont have a plate number...
I dont know what else to do if anyone else does let me know. Thanks.

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